Amendments to and tightening of the Aviation Security Act (LuftSiG)
At the beginning of March, the Bundestag’s Interior Committee deliberated on a bill to tighten the ZÜP. In addition, on the motion of the FDP parliamentary group on the abolition of background checks for private pilots and air sportsmen.
At the public meeting of the Interior Committee on February 10, 5 experts appointed by the Interior Committee had their say and were asked to present their assessment of the facts to the deputies. Among them is the author of this article – attorney Frank Dörner. Other experts included Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Däubler (University of Bremen), Ltd. MinR Uwe Büchner (Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Construction and Transport, Munich – the former head of the Southern Bavarian Air Agency), Arnd Krummen (Police Union – Federal Police, Hilden), Dr. Christoph Schaefer (Director Aviation Security, Deutsche Lufthansa AG) and Dr. Berthold Stoppelkamp (Head of the Capital Office of the German Security Industry Association, Berlin).
In the interests of air sports, the author had attempted to argue against tightening aviation security law and, like the FDP, to question the proportionality of the means and the successes achieved with reference to the fundamentally supportable intention of the LuftSiG, namely the prevention of terrorism and defense against threats to air traffic. ….
The article was published in “Luftsport in Bayern” issue 2-2020.
You can find the pdf as full text here
Frank Dörner